
Corrie Who Writes

A new, ridiculously easy way to grow your email list 👀

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

One of the most crucial things you can do as a content creator - whether you're a blogger, YouTuber, TikToker, or Medium Writer - is to grow and nurture an email list.


Because your email list is pretty much the only marketing asset you truly own.

Google traffic can dry up overnight.

Pinterest traffic can drop off a cliff without explanation.

Heck, even Medium could decide to shut down its platform or arbitrarily decide to ban Call-to-Actions in their articles.

And you wouldn't be able to do anything about it because those playgrounds are not yours to control.

But an email list? No one can take that away from you. Even if you somehow lost your email service provider, you still get to keep the emails you've collected (provided you create backups of your list on a regular basis, which I strongly recommend doing.)

Not only that, but email marketing has some of the highest conversion rates around because your list is a warm audience. As in, they already know you and want to hear from you!

The rub? Growing an email list can take time, and you typically need to rely on one of those third-party playgrounds to get visibility and scoop up emails.

There are lots of ways to do this, including:

  • Including CTAs in your Medium articles to sign up to your email list
  • Making use of programs like Sparkloop and ConvertKit's Creator Network
  • Embedding email sign-up forms on your website
  • Linking to your email list in your social media bios

The thing is, it's usually not enough to just have a form saying, "Hey, sign up to my email list." You need to offer something in exchange for their email address. Traditionally, this is usually something like a free PDF with helpful information, a short ebook, printables, and other small but helpful offerings.

But one of my favorite AI tools,, just released a brand new, stupidly easy way to create lead magnets and collect email addresses.

It's called KoalaMagnets, and it essentially creates a custom GPT that you can embed on your website. All you have to do is type in what you want the GPT to do as it relates to your niche.

For example, if you have a website about dogs, you could create a GPT that suggests the best dog names.

Then Koala does the rest. You can test it out and tweak anything that needs tweaking, and then it gives you an embedding HTML code that you can easily pop into any page on your site.

In the example Koala provides, it asks the user to enter the dog's breed and suggests names based on that breed—but first, it asks for the user's email address!

The email addresses are collected by Koala, which you can then export and upload to your email list.

How brilliantly simple is that? I've already created one for my new secret niche site, and it took me less than 5 minutes to create and embed.

KoalaMagnet is just one function of a more comprehensive suite of tools - the most robust of which is KoalaWriter, an AI writer that creates entire blog post drafts with a few clicks. I've been using it to create unique, high-quality articles by feeding it my experience and expertise in the custom instructions prior to generation, and as a result, I can get a unique, polished, optimized, internally-linked, 2300+ word article on my blog in well under an hour.

Currently, KoalaMagnet is only available to those on the Professional subscription plan or those who have purchased a Gold Credit Pack. The good news is that Koala is having a huge birthday sale right now with up to 45% off on select credit packs.

I'm not sure how long the deal is on, but if you were thinking of giving Koala a try, now is a good time!


P.S. - Right now, you can get 45% off of Koala's Gold Credit Pack, which includes KoalaMagnet, 2.5 MILLION word credits, automatic internal linking, and a bunch of other cool features.

*There are affiliate links in this email, which means if you make a purchase after clicking on one, I may earn a commission.

Corrie Who Writes

AI Content Specialist

I'm an AI content specialist, blogger, and YouTuber with over 7700 subs - I show my audience how to leverage AI to scale their content creation processes!

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