
Corrie Who Writes

Does your growth/recovery gameplan include Medium? Here's why it should! 💰

Published 6 months ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader,

If you felt the ground shake with Google's helpful content update in September, take comfort in the fact that you are not alone; countless bloggers were impacted - myself included.

However, I'm not stressed about it for two very important reasons:

1. I've been through many updates like this before, and I always bounce back.

2. SEO traffic isn't my only source of income.

#2 is BIG and something that a lot of bloggers don't spend nearly enough time considering. When you put all your eggs in one basket - particularly a basket belonging to a third party of some kind - you're at a high risk of experiencing major, unexpected dips in your revenue that are completely beyond your control.

Because algorithms change, businesses evolve, and those third-party platforms you rely on (*cough*Google!*cough*) don't care about how or if you're benefiting from them.

And the sad truth is, they don't owe you anything.

Hence, the crucial need to diversify.

Let me tell you a story:

At the end of 2020, after a year of record highs in SEO traffic, my fitness blog took a huge hit from a Google Core update.

To say I was bummed out is an understatement. Writing, editing, and optimizing blog posts took me forever, and I felt completely overwhelmed by everything I would need to do to update the blog and recover my lost traffic. (Keep in mind, I didn't discover AI writing tools until the summer of 2021.)

So, I took a little break.

During that break, I discovered Medium, a platform that pays you for writing great content that doesn't rely on search engines.

I started writing there in April 2021, and by the end of July, I'd earned more than $3300 from the Medium Partner Program. (and even more from affiliate links.)

Medium brought the pep back into my step and helped me quickly recover (and even surpass) the lost revenue from my blog. By the time I got back to my blog and recovered my SEO traffic, Medium had become a major part of my business, and it inspired me to branch out and diversify my business in even more ways.

To this day, Medium still brings in revenue month after month, even though I typically only publish once or twice a month. (I recently had a single article make over $700 within a few weeks of it getting published.)

The moral of the story?

Don't give up on your blog. It may take a few months, but recovery is 100% possible and worth the effort. However, make an immediate effort to diversify your income streams so you can recover lost revenue sooner and create a more secure foundation for your business.

Medium is an excellent place to start.


It's important to mention that I didn't figure out Medium on my own. Writing on Medium is a lot different than SEO blogging, and a different approach is required to be successful. I learned everything I know from my former mentor, now friend, Sinem Günel.

Sinem is a Top Medium Writer with over 75,000 followers and is an editor of one of Medium's top publications, Better Marketing. She's made over $150,000 from Medium and has supported over 10,000 writers in their own Medium journey.

And next Thursday, November 9th, Sinem is hosting a free masterclass on how to grow your audience on Medium in 2023.

This masterclass pulls back the curtain on what's working in 2023, covering topics such as:

✅ What the top 1% of Medium writers are doing differently

✅ The step-by-step process for growing your audience and making money online.

✅ Why publishing more isn't the answer and what to do instead.

I can tell you first-hand that Sinem's advice is always 100% spot-on; no one knows the platform better than she does! Whether you're brand new to Medium or have been writing there for a while without much success, you will benefit from this master class, so be sure to secure your spot!

It could be exactly what you need to diversify your income streams and take your business to the next level.


**There are affiliate links in this email, which means that if you make a purchase after clicking on one, I may earn a commission.**

Corrie Who Writes

AI Content Specialist

I'm an AI content specialist, blogger, and YouTuber with over 7700 subs - I show my audience how to leverage AI to scale their content creation processes!

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