This tool helped me grow my new niche blog by 345% in the last 60 days

Hey Reader,

I know I've been pretty quiet the last few months - the truth is, I've been working away behind the scenes on a few different projects - one of which is my new niche blog.

I started this blog at the end of February of this year, and it's been growing steadily ever since - with the most notable growth happening in the last few months.

In fact, my number of user sessions has grown a whopping 345% in the last 60 days:

80% of this traffic is from Google.

Now, I know this isn't a huge amount of traffic - I expect August to finish at around 1600 user sessions - but the traffic has been steadily climbing at the same rate for months as I add more and more blog posts. My goal is to have this up to 10k sessions by the end of the year so I can apply to Mediavine's ad network, Journey.

In the meantime, I've already had my first few Amazon Associates sales trickle in!

Currently, I have 46 published blog posts (each about 1800-3000 words long) which is roughly 2 posts a week or 8 posts a month.

But what's impressive about this is that I only dedicate an average of 3 hours per week to this blog. Compare that to my first blog, where it took me close to two years to write that many posts, and I dedicated waaaaaay more time to it back then.

The only reason I'm able to consistently publish at this frequency in so little time is because of the tools I'm using.

Particularly, KoalaWriter, which I am using for about 85% of my blog posts.

Koala is an AI writer that writes entire blog posts in one swoop after you set up the initial instructions. Now, there are lots of one-click AI blog post writers out there, but Koala is my favorite because of the amount of detail you can go into when you're setting up the post.

For example, you can have it use your own outline, tell it which keywords and related terms to use (or have it use its in-house optimization tool), dictate what to link to, and - most importantly of all - seed it with your own experience and expertise during the outlining phase.

This is key because - as I have been saying since I first started using AI in 2021 - customized, quality, unique content is vital. You are the magic sauce in your blog writing, and so it's crucial you're getting the AI to draw its content from you and not just its vast but generic database of knowledge.

It takes me about 5 minutes to set up a post, and then I let it run. I always edit and optimize afterward as well (that's another email for another time) but 80% of the work is done in less than ten minutes, thanks to Koala.

If you want to see Koala in action, I have a couple of video tutorials you can check out here and here. There have been some changes and improvements since these videos but the general concept is the same. (For instance, it writes much faster now, and I usually use Claude 3.5 Sonnet now, which is one of the newest language models.)

Koala is also really affordable, with plans starting at $25/monthly for 45000 credits per month. However, they are having an absolutely killer deal right now where you can get a whole 40% off their annual plans. The professional plan, in particular, is bound to keep the average blogger in credits for the year. (I'm nowhere near reaching my credit limit yet and I'm three months away from renewal.)

To give you an idea, a 2700 word blog posts costs about 5400 credits using Claude 3.5 sonnet. That means, with the professional plan, you could write around 220 blog posts of the same length before running out of credits.

And if that isn't awesome enough, Koala gave me a special coupon code that you can use at checkout for an additional 15% off!

All you have to do is plug in this coupon code at checkout: CORRIE

The sale is only on for this week, so don't sleep on this one!

Until next time,

P.S. Get 40% off Koala's annual plans AND an extra 15% off when you use coupon code CORRIE at checkout, but the sale is for this week only!

**Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this email which means if you make a purchase after clicking on one, I may earn a commission.**

Corrie Who Writes

I'm an AI content specialist, blogger, and YouTuber with over 7700 subs - I show my audience how to leverage AI to scale their content creation processes!

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